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© Kim Weigand | IME Fraunhofer





& Citation


Journal Article

K. Steeg, E. Bohrer, S. B. Schäfer, V. Duc Vu, J. Scherberich, A. G. Windfelder and G. A. Krombach; Re-identification of anonymised MRI head images with publicly available software: investigation of the current risk to patient privacy. eClinicalMedicine. Volume 78 (2024); Impact Factor (IF) 9.6 (2021-2022)

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Journal Article

A. G. Windfelder, J. Steinbart, L. Graser, J. Scherberich, G. A. Krombach, and A. Vilcinskas; An Enteric Ultrastructural Surface Atlas of the Model Insect Manduca sexta. iScience (2024); Impact Factor (IF) 6.1 (2021-2022)​

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Journal Article

N. Schulz-Weidner, J. Wang, J. Steinbart, J., A. G. Windfelder, G. A. Krombach, N. Krämer, M.A. Schlenz and J. Scherberich; Evaluation of Mechanical Versus Manual Root Canal Preparation in Primary Molars—A Comparative in Vitro Study. Journal of Clinical Medicine (2023); Impact Factor (IF) 3.9 (2021-2022)

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Journal Article

A. C. Böhringer, L. Deters, A. G. Windfelder, and H. Merzendorfer; Dextran sulfate sodium and uracil induce inflammatory effects and disrupt the chitinous peritrophic matrix in the midgut of Tribolium castaneum. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (2023); Impact Factor (IF) 3.8 (2021-2022) 104029.

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Journal Article

O. Koshkina, T. Rheinberger, V. Flocke, A. G. Windfelder, P. Bouvain, N. M. Hamelmann, J. M. J. Paulusse, H. H. Gojzewski, U. Flögel and F. Wurm; Biodegradable Polyphosphoester Micelles Act as Both Backgroundfree 31P Magnetic Resonance Imaging Agents and Drug Nanocarriers. Nature communications 14, 4351 (2023); Impact Factor (IF) 17.694 (2021-2022)

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Journal Article

J. Scherberich, A. G. Windfelder, G. A. Krombach; Analysis of fixation materials in micro-CT: It doesn’t always have to be styrofoam. PLoS ONE 18(6): e0286039 (2023); Impact Factor (IF) 3.752 (2022-2023)

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Journal Article

A. G. Windfelder, J. Steinbart, U. Flögel, J. Scherberich, M. Kampschulte, G.A. Krombach and A. Vilcinskas; A Quantitative Micro-Tomographic Gut Atlas of the Lepidopteran Model Insect Manduca sexta. iScience 26. 10.1016 (2023); Impact Factor (IF) 6.1 (2021-2022)

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Journal Article

A. G. Windfelder, F. H. Müller, B. Mc Larney, M. Hentschel, A. C. Böhringer, C. R. Von Bredow, F. H. Leinberger, M. Kampschulte, L. Maier, Y. M. von Bredow, V. Flocke, H. Merzendorfer, G. A. Krombach, A. Vilcinskas, J. Grimm, T. E. Trenczek and U. Flögel; High-throughput screening of caterpillars as a platform to study host–microbe interactions and enteric immunity. Nature communications 13, 7216 (2022); Impact Factor (IF) 17.694 (2021-2022)

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Journal Article

T. Laussmann, P. Urspruch, V. Flocke, A. G. Windfelder, H. Aberle, K. Lunau, U. Flögel; Dynamic monitoring of vital functions and tissue re-organization in Saturnia pavonia (Lepidoptera, Saturniidae) during final metamorphosis by non-invasive MRI. Sci Rep 12, 1105 (2022); Impact Factor (IF) 4.996 (2021-2022)

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Journal Article

F. Müller, J. Farahati, A. Müller, E. Gilman, M. Hentschel; Positron emission mammography in the diagnosis of breast cancer. Nuklearmedizin (2015) Nukmed-0753-15-07; Impact Factor (IF) 2.221 (2021-2022)

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A. G. Windfelder, Innovative Tiermodelle für die biomedizinische Forschung. Biospektrum 30, 471 (2024).


A. G. Windfelder; Grundlagenforschung: Raupen statt Mäuse. Spektrum

der Wissenschaft (German edition of scientific american). Forschung Aktuell; 5/2023 Kosmische Atomschmiede


A. G. Windfelder, Darm als 3D-Modell: Insektenanatomie per VR-Brille. Biospektrum 29, 556 (2023).


T. Laussmann, P. Urspruch, V. Flocke, A. G. Windfelder, H. Aberle,

K. Lunau, U. Flögel; Einblicke in die dynamischen Vorgänge in lebenden

Puppen von Saturnia pavonia (Linnaeus, 1758) mittels nichtinvasiver

Kernspinresonanztomographie (Lepidoptera: Saturniidae). Entomologische

Zeitschrift·Schwanfeld (4) 132 (2022)



A. G. Windfelder; From Mice to Moths: How Caterpillars Are Reshaping Biomedical Research—A Scientist’s Journey; GGL Career Day 2025, hosted by the International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL) at the Justus-Liebig-University Giessen


A. G. Windfelder; Monitoring of Inflammation with Advanced MRI:

Utilizing Insects as Alternative Models; I MRI colloquium hosted by F.Laun, D. Grodzki, F. Knoll, M. Zaiß, A. Maier, S. Bickelhaupt, V. Riedl, J. Hutter,D. Giese, and A. Nagel, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (2025).


A. G. Windfelder; Multinukleare MRT zur Identifizierung konservierter

in vivo Merkmale von Darmentzündungen bei Insekten; Biologisches Kolloquium hosted by Hans-Michael Merzendorfer, University of Siegen (2024).


A. G. Windfelder; Caterpillars as novel models in preclinical research: Exploring their potential and applications; International Giessen Graduate Centre for the Life Sciences (GGL): Seminar about procedures on animals used for scientific purposes hosted by Janne Bredehöft, Martin Diener, Guido Haschke, Stephanie Krämer, Christoph Rummel, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (2024)


A. G. Windfelder; Models and Insights in Translational Research: Exploring Caterpillars as Alternative Models in Preclinical Research; Hosted by the Animal Welfare Officers Dr. Margit Wagenblast and Dr. Boris Brill, Goethe University Frankfurt,  Faculty of Medicine (2024).


A. G. Windfelder; CPD-Program 2024: Unlocking Potential: Caterpillars as Innovative Preclinical Models; Hosted by the Animal Welfare Officer Jennifer Behm, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (2024).


A. G. Windfelder; Caterpillars as alternative animal model in preclinical research, Seminar zur Fachtierarzt-Weiterbildung (German); Hosted by the Animal Welfare Officer of the Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (2023).


A. G. Windfelder; Caterpillars as alternative animal model for inflammatory bowel disease, 52nd Seminar on Laboratory Animals and Animal Experiments (German); Hosted by the Society for Laboratory Animal Science (GV-SOLAS) and organised by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), Charité - Universitaetsmedizin Berlin, Freie Universität Berlin, and the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (2023).




Anton G. Windfelder, Vera Flocke, Anna Schumann, Nicolas Stumpe, Christoph Hellmann, Kenny Mattonet, Clemens Müller, Roxanne Harzenetter, Frank H.H. Müller, Tina E. Trenczek, Jan Scherberich, Sebastian Temme, Ferdinand Knieling, Andreas Vilcinskas, Gabriele A. Krombach & Ulrich Flögel; Advanced MRI identifies conserved features of gut inflammation in insects; 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2025) Bilbao, Spain.



Hannah Vogt, Adrian P. Regensburger, Ferdinand Knieling, Anton G. Windfelder; Imaging of plasmatocytes in M. sexta larvae using light sheet microscopy; 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2025) Bilbao, Spain.



Ronaldo A. González García, Adrian P. Regensburger, Benno Weigman, Maximilian Waldner, Oana-Maria Thoma, Ferdinand Knieling, Anton G. Windfelder & Hannah Vogt; Endoscopy of intestinal inflammation in M. sexta larvae; 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2025) Bilbao, Spain.



Patricia Kleimann, Anton Windfelder, Pascal Bouvain, Ulrich Flögel, Sebastian Temme; Generation and characterization of ultrasmall perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions; EMIM 25, 20th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2025) Bilbao, Spain.



Andreas Vilcinskas, Gabriele A. Krombach, and Anton G. Windfelder; The tobacco hornworm Mandua sexta as a powerful Model Host. 7th International Conference on Model Hosts (2024), Heraklion, Crete, Greece.



A. G. Windfelder, S. Temme, T. Trenczek, V. Flocke, A. Vilcinskas,  F. H.H.H. Müller, U. Flögel and G. Krombach; In-vivo-Messung von entzündlichen Prozessen im Darm von Insektenlarven (Manduca sexta) mittels 19F-Magnetresonanztomographie. RÖKO DIGITAL, 105. Deutschen Röntgenkongress 2024 (2024) online.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1781476



A. G. Windfelder, F. H.H.H. Müller, M. Hentschel, U. Flögel, J. Grimm, G. Krombach and A. Vilcinskas; Insect larva as an Alternative Animal Model in Experimental Nuclear Medicine and Radiology. 62. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Nuklearmedizin (DGN) (2024) Leipzig, Germany.

DOI: 10.1055/s-0044-1782465



A. G. Windfelder, V. Flocke, K. Mattonet, R. Harzenetter, C. Müller, F. H.H.H. Müller, U. Flögel, A. Vilcinskas and G. Krombach; Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging as Versatile Tool for In Vivo Monitoring of Gut Inflammation in the Insect Larvae of Manduca sexta. EMIM 24, 19th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2024) Porto, Portugal.



A. G. Windfelder; In vivo monitoring of gut inflammation in the insect larvae of Manduca sexta by 19F magnetic resonance imaging.  Red Hot Fluorine 19F MRI & Small Animal MRI Symposiums meet Kraków MRI Workshop (2023) Kraków, Poland. 



A. G. Windfelder, F. H. H. Müller, M. Hentschel, V. Flocke, J. Grimm,

U. Flögel, T. E. Trenczek, A. Vilcinskas and G. A. Krombach; Clinical CT

and PET for the assessment of Pathogens in the Alternative Animal Model

Manduca sexta. WMIC 23, World Molecular Imaging Congress (2023) Prague, Czech republic

Konferenzbeitrag (geladener Redner)

A. G. Windfelder, F. H. H. Müller, B. McLarney, M. Hentschel, M.

Kampschulte, C.-R. von Bredow, F. H. Leinberger, Y. von Bredow, V.

Flocke, G. A. Krombach, A. Vilcinskas, J. Grimm, U. Flögel and T. E.

Trenczek; High-throughput Screening of Caterpillars as Alternative Platform for Modeling of Gut Inflammation. 15th Congress of the International Society for Developmental and Comparative Immunology (ISDCI)(2023) Wageningen,Netherlands




A. G. Windfelder, Gabriele A. Krombach and Andreas Vilcinskas; Highthroughput Screening of Caterpillars as a Platform to Study New Antimicrobial Compounds and Pathogens. EMIM 23, 18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2023) Salzburg, Austria



T. Rheinberger, V. Flocke, A. G. Windfelder, N. M. Hamelmann, U.

Flögel, F. R. Wurm, O. Koshkina; Hot and Green: Polyphosphonate Imaging Agents for Hot-Spot Phosphorous-31 Magnetic Resonance Imaging. EMIM 23, 18h Annual Meeting of the European Society for Molecular Imaging (2023) Salzburg, Austria



A. G. Windfelder, J. Steinbart, U. Flögel, J. Scherberich, M. Kampschulte, G. A. Krombach and A. Vilcinskas; A quantitative 3D gut atlas of the model insect Manduca sexta. DZG 22, 114th Meeting of the German Zoological Society (2022) Bonn, Germany



A. G. Windfelder, F. H. H. Müller, M. Hentschel, M. Kampschulte, G.

Krombach, A. Vilcinskas, J. Grimm, T. E. Trenczek and U. Flögel; Caterpillars as Replacement for Mammalian Models of Gut Inflammation. ECR 22, European Congress of Radiology (2022) Vienna, Austria

Konferenzbeitrag (geladener Redner)

A. G. Windfelder, F. H. H. Müller, B. McLarney, M. Hentschel, M.

Kampschulte, C.-R. von Bredow, F. H. Leinberger, Y. von Bredow, V. Flocke, A. Vilcinskas, J. Grimm, U. Flögel and T. E. Trenczek; High-throughput screening of caterpillars as a platform to study the innate immunity of the gut. Red Hot Fluorine (19F) MRI and Small Animal MRI Symposiums (SAMS) (2022) Düsseldorf, Germany



A. G. Windfelder, F. H. H. Müller, B. McLarney, M. Hentschel, M.

Kampschulte, C.-R. von Bredow, F. H. Leinberger, Y. von Bredow, V. Flocke, A. Vilcinskas, J. Grimm, U. Flögel and T. E. Trenczek; High-throughput Imaging of Insect Larvae as Replacement for Mammalian Models of Gut Inflammation. WMIC 21, World Molecular Imaging Congress (2021) Virtual Meeting



A. G. Windfelder, F. H. H. Müller, B. McLarney, M. Hentschel, M.

Kampschulte, C.-R. von Bredow, F. H. Leinberger, Y. von Bredow, V.

Flocke, A. Vilcinskas, J. Grimm, U. Flögel and T. E. Trenczek; Highthroughput screening of insect larvae as replacement for mammalian models of inflammatory bowel disease. ENTO’21, Royal Entomological Society (2021) Virtual Meeting



A. G. Müller, F. H. H. Müller, M. Hentschel, M. Kampschulte, C.-R. von

Bredow, F. H. Leinberger, U. Flögel and T. E. Trenczek; High-throughput

Imaging of Insect Larvae as Replacement for Mammalian Models of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. ICAR3R-Symposium (2020) Virtual Meeting



A. G. Müller, H. H. F. Müller, M. Hentschel, C.-R. von Bredow, Y. von

Bredow, T. Trenczek; Dual oxidase in gut inflammation: Computed tomography (CT) and positron emissions tomography (PET) of the alternative animal model Manduca sexta. DZG Digital Symposium Molecular Physiology (2020) Virtual Meeting



A. G. Müller, H. H. F. Müller, M. Hentschel, C.-R. von Bredow, Y. von

Bredow, M. Hardt, T. Trenczek; The Role of DUOX in Gut Inflammation:

MR, CT and PET Imaging of the Alternative Animal Model Manduca sexta.15th European Molecular Imaging Meeting (2020) Virtual Meeting



A. G. Müller, T. E. Trenczek; Gut Inflammation is Causing a Change in

the Microbiome of Manduca sexta. 6th Joint Conference of the DGHM and VAAM (2020) Leipzig, Germany



A. G. Müller, F. H. H. Müller, M. Hentschel, M. Kampschulte, F. H.

Leinberger, T. E. Trenczek; Insect Larvae in Medical Imaging: New Screening System for Gut Inflammatory Compounds Using CT, MR, and PET. RSNA 2019, Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (2019) Chicago, USA



A. G. Müller, F. H. H. Müller, M. Henschel, C.-R. von Bredow, Y. M.

von Bredow, T. E. Trenczek; The role of DUOX in gut inflammation: New

insights with computed tomography (CT) of Manduca sexta. Entomology

Congress 2019, German Society for general and applied Entomology, DGaaE (2019) Halle, Germany



A. G. Müller, F. H. H. Müller, M. Henschel, C.-R. von Bredow, Y. M. von

Bredow, T. E. Trenczek; MR and PET imaging of the insect Manduca sexta

as a new screening system for gut inflammatory compounds. Nuklear Medizin 2019, 57th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Nuclear MedicineDGN (2019) Bremen, Germany



A. G. Müller, F. H. H. Müller, M. Henschel, C.-R. von Bredow, Y. M.

von Bredow, T. E. Trenczek; Detection of gut inflammation with MR and

PET imaging in the insect Manduca sexta: A new screening system for

effectors and inhibitors of gut inflammation. ECR 2019, European Congress of Radiology (2019) Vienna, Austria



A. G. Müller, F. H. H. Müller, Y. M. von Bredow, C.-R. von Bredow, T. E.

Trenczek; Can Duox cause gut inflammation? 11th Annual GGL Conference 2018 (2018) Giessen, Germany



A. G. Müller, F. H. H. Müller, Y. M. von Bredow, C.-R. von Bredow,

M. Speckmann, T. E. Trenczek; Does Activation of Manduca sexta

Duox cause gut inflammation? New insights with MRI and PET imaging.

ECR 2018, European Congress of Radiology (2018) Vienna, Austria



A. G. Müller, Y M. von Bredow, C. R. von Bredow, M. Speckmann F. H.

H. Müller and T. E. Trenczek; Functional Role of Duox in Manduca sexta

Gut Inflammation. RMU-RNA Salon Genomics approaches in RNA biology (2017) 3 Mini Symposium “Medical RNomics”. (2017) Giessen, Germany



A. G. Müller, Yvette M. von Bredow, Christoph-Rüdiger von Bredow,

Martin Speckmann and Tina E. Trenczek; Functional Analysis of Duox in

Manduca sexta Gut Immunity. Symposium Molecular Genetics for Zoologists (2017) Göttingen, Germany



F. Müller, J. Farahati A. Müller, E. Gilman, M. Hentschel; High accuracy

of Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) in diagnosis of breast cancer,

Annual Meeting of the German Society for Nuclear Medicine,

DGN 2015, 54: V169, A82



F. H. H. Müller, M. Hentschel, A. G. Müller, J. Farahati; High accuracy

of Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) in diagnosis of breast cancer.

Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging (2014) 41 (Suppl 2): P395, S472



F. H. H. Müller, A. G. Müller, M. Hentschel, J. Farahati; High specificity

and even high sensitivity of Positron Emission Mammography (PEM) in

diagnosis of breast cancer. Insights Imaging (2014) 5 (Suppl 1): B-0992,


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